२९ जेष्ठ २०८१, मंगलवार | Wed Jun 12 2024

Finance Minister defends ‘white paper’, says it presents real picture

Kathmandu, April 3 : Finance Minister Dr Yubraj Khatiwada has claimed the country’s real economic picture has been presented in the white paper that was issued by the government recently.
Taking time from the Speaker, in a meeting of the House of Representatives today, he said the Finance Ministry had prepared the white paper without targeting any particular party and the document focused on the review of the existing situation.

The government investment in the areas of education, health and drinking water has started paying back the government and this has also been mentioned in the white paper, according to him.
“The government is aware of not letting Sate property go in the individual’s ownership, but it does not mean that it wants to discourage privatization or promote closed economy. The world economy proves that absolute liberalization can marginalize us and we are in the mood of moving ahead by utilising global open economy into the interests of the nation,” he added.(RSS)

प्रकाशित मिति : २० चैत्र २०७४, मंगलवार १७:००